Azu is Reading Bones to the Wind (A Forging of Age #1) by Tatiana Obey
Rasia is determined to destroy her old man’s record in the Forging, a trial each child must succeed to come of age. All Rasia needs to do is hunt down a gonda, hitch its tentacle ass to her windship, and haul it back home in record time. Easy. Or it would be if Rasia wasn’t stuck on the same team as Nico — a know-it-all, spoiled, grubworm who never does anything Rasia tells her to do.
Nico doesn’t care about Rasia’s egotistical dreams of glory. This is her brother’s last chance to pass the Forging or her father is going to banish him from the family. She needs to scour the desert to find whatever team the bones placed him on and help him kill a gonda before it kills him.
Too bad Nico and Rasia can’t get along to steer a windship straight.
Now we are in the Grankull and, believe me, you wouldn’t want to live there. You will discover that soon, aren’t you? Because you will read it anyway (I encourage you to do so… actually, what are you waiting for?). And I wish you that you enjoy it as much or more than me.
I would prefer to live in the Desert. Of course, if I have Ra-ja’s skills, or Kai’s. I can even feel satisfied with just Zephyr’s. But if I don’t have any, as it unfortunately really is, I could live just fine in the Graveyard if no one tries to kill me… and I’m sure someone will try to kill me, or worse (yes, there are things worse than death). Because that’s life in the Forging, you’re welcome.
If you’re confused at the start, this makes two of us. Don’t worry, you will understand soon, you just have to walk barefoot in the sand a bit more to get accustomed and fully transported there. It’s a delight, I tell you, to arrive at one place and understand nothing of what happens around you. Very frustrating, but when you give it time and just a bit of patience, you will see and feel the magic working.
To this moment, this book has one of the most amazing character development I have seen in my life, no kidding. And a lot of plot twists. From all, I only anticipated one, and it happened because it was the more evident; I fell for the rest of them. Or at least the vast majority. Ah! One catchphrase accompanied me during this journey: “Everything that can go wrong, goes worse”, and it’s true! You will see it! And you will love it :cry:
I thought I would love one character (Zephyr had the most incredible introduction, I fell for him thanks to that) only to end up loving another (Kai has my heart forever and ever [we will see about that in the second book ¬¬]). I stand for Ra-ja, I tell you from now on: she can, don’t make the mistake of doubting her, she can shut your mouth too. I still get angry at Nico and Suri, especially Suri. And Neema makes me nervous, the kind of “how are you still alive?!”. If I have the opportunity, I would love to meet Ra-ja’s and Kai’s tahs (sadly -or not too much- not the living ones), and that has to say a lot about them, it said a lot to me. But not just yet, I have no rush. I already know that all hunters are hunted.
Phrases that I liked so much that I marked them while reading
«“You and tah and this capsized Grankull all think you can control my fate. Only I determine how my bones fall.”»
— Chapter One.
«Fate could go fuck itself.»
— Chapter Five.
«“You might know all the fancy words, but have you actually steered a windship before? No? That’s what I thought. Now, someone go release the fucking ropes.”
“We are so going to die.”»
— Chapter Five.
«Only one kid had a sword like that.
Zephyr was one of Nico’s best friends. Kai has heard stories of him all Kai’s life, and yet, because Zephyr was a Tent kind forbidden from entering the Grankull, they had never met until now.
What an introduction.»
— Chapter Six.
«Sometimes Kai was so hungry that he wasn’t.»
— Chapter Six.
«Kai could have continued to argue, but what was the point? This is how it always was with Nico too: He gave up the argument before it got too far. He swallowed his words. He listened to opinions and arguments without ever getting the chance to articulate his point of view. It was an obstacle he’d never managed to maneuver around. It blocked his path, this stone of well-meaning concern.»
— Chapter Six.
«“There is nothing that can stop her from getting to you. She’ll be here.”»
— Chapter Six.
«Through the tousled strands of her hair, Nico squinted at the valley crawling with black shapes that gleamed red in the sun. Not a gonda in sight.
“Those are scorpions,” Neema said flatly.
“Congratulations. You can see.”»
— Chapter Seven.
«“Relax. You all hang out here, out of my way, and I’ll handle the rest.”
“What are you talking about? You can’t kill a gonda by yourself.”
“Yes. I can.”
“That’s nonsense. How are you going to steer a windship and attack a gonda at the same time?”
“That’s insane! No one can do everything!”
“I can.”»
— Chapter Seven.
«If he were here, he’d tell her to get back up, and run faster, and reach higher. He’d tell her that at the end of the day, the only person who mattered, the only person she needed to make proud — was herself.»
— Chapter Eight.
«When Rasia finally plucked it free, she collapsed against the beaten, bruised, and misshapen ship. It wasn’t as pretty or as large as the other windships, but it had never let her down.
That was more than Rasia could say for anyone else.»
— Chapter Nine.
«He hadn’t realized how secure he had felt until he was walking away from Zephyr’s fire.»
— Chapter Nine.
«Without her shroud, Rasia looked as Kai always imagined: black eyes full of stars and a wicked smirk that could cut anything in her path. Leaves decorated her flag of hair and every shift of her ship staked the ground like some fierce creature with the Desert at her command.
He braced himself for her disappointment.
But Rasia’s lips curled at the corners, and Kai had never seen anything as beautiful as that mad moon-crescent grin.»
— Chapter Nine.
«Rasia leaped from the railing — how she did that from a sitting position, Kai had no idea.»
— Chapter Ten.
«First things first: She had to deal with what was in front of her.»
— Chapter Eleven.
«This was the second time, first Neema and now the runt, that someone in her vicinity had almost gotten themselves killed. Maybe there was a pattern here. Maybe it was her.
Nah. Fuck that. She wasn’t going to blame herself for their shortcomings.»
— Chapter Twelve.
«“How did you learn about windships?
“Shamai-ta dropped me and jih off in the middle of the Desert and told us to figure out how to get home.”»
— Chapter Thirteen.
«“Fine,” Rasia yielded. I’ll hold you to that.”
Rasia shoved Kai toward the stairs of the ship. “I’m hungry. Fix me breakfast.”
“But what about the windship?” Even though they were barely second drum into the morning, Kai felt he needed as much time as possible to learn how to steer the ship. Kai hesitated on the edge of the stairs.
“I can push you down or you can climb down. Take your pick. But one of those options will break your neck and you can kiss this whole windship thing goodbye.”
Kai chose breakfast.»
— Chapter Thirteen.
«This shouldn’t have been one of the hardest things he’d ever done in his entire life.»
— Chapter Thirteen.
«It had only been a day in the grand experiment of Rasia’s teaching academy. […] She was trying to give Kai space to learn things on his own, but she was extremely bored.
It was about time to check on his progress.»
— Chapter Fourteen.
«“Have you figured out what you want to do? The other day you said you didn’t want to be Han of a hunting kull anymore.”
“I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t know how I thought I could deal with five people when I can barely deal with one. I don’t… I just… but what else is out there?”
“You could be a scribe.”
“Shut up. I can’t be a scribe. I can’t even write my name.”
“But you have to sign your name for the Naming Ceremony. How are you going to accomplish that?”
“I plan to bribe Ysai-ji to write my name on my palm beforehand and close my fist until it’s time.”
“Isn’t that against the rules?”
“What idiot follows rules? Oh wait, probably your jih.”»
— Chapter Fourteen.
«“It’s terrifying to think the world is one way when it isn’t, and to be uncertain of it every day afterward.”»
— Chapter Fifteen.
«“I can’t possibly understand what you’re going through, and I can’t imagine what it’s like to have no control over something so… big, but it’s got to be tiring fighting that every day.”»
— Chapter Fifteen.
«“but so often for me the world seems one way when it isn’t. I have difficulty discerning reality on my own, and even more so now, because you constantly challenge all the truths and expectations of what I thought I knew. I don’t know what the world is supposed to be anymore.”»
— Chapter Fifteen.
«“The world is what we forge of it.”»
— Chapter Fifteen.
«Wait. She wasn’t going to… of course she was.»
— Chapter Sixteen.
«He had to ask, in case this was all a mirage of his own making.
“Can I kiss you?”»
— Chapter Seventeen.
«If kindness were easy, more people would do it. Anger was easy. Revenge and jealousy were easy. Ignorance was easy. But kindness and trust and compassion were hard. They required you to open yourself up, to stride into a fight without armor and stand there and be vulnerable, not knowing whether the other person would wound you with disappointment or worse.
Kindness was not for the weak.»
— Chapter Nineteen.
«“I didn’t want to leave if maybe she wanted me to stay.”»
— Chapter Twenty-Nine.
«“Grow what makes you happy, and you’ll always be yourself.»
— Chapter Thirty-Three.
«“It’s impossible, Rasia.”
“I do impossible things every day.”»
— Chapter Thirty-Five.
«“Done,” Rasia announced. “I’ll make it happen.”»
— Chapter Thirty-Five.
«“It’s not as far out of your reach as you think it is. It’s possible, Kai. First, you’ve got to want it, and let yourself want it. Then you fight for it. That’s the secret, Kai. Impossible is just the next foot in front of the other.
He’d never be satisfied with anything less than everything.»
— Chapter Thirty-Five.
«“But, Rasia — ”
“Stop arguing with me. I’m dying. You messed up my cool last words.”
Kai’s eyes narrowed at her. “You die on me, and I’m telling everyone your last words were a dramatic confession of your secret flame for Nico.”
Rasia gasped. “You wouldn’t.”»
— Chapter Forty-One.
«“I knew you’d catch me.”»
— Chapter Fifty-Seven.
«Sometimes, Kai did achieve the impossible. He thinks he’s getting the hand of it.»
— Chapter Fifty-Nine.