Azu is Reading Dragon your Bones (A Forging of Age #2) by Tatiana Obey
Rasia is determined to slay a dragon for her Forging, a trial each child must succeed to come of age. All she needs to do is find the dragon’s den, slay the winged bastard, and haul it home before the deadline ends. Not so easy. But Rasia has Kai on her team — who may or may not have some secrets up his shroud.
Nico needs to prepare for the bloodrites, a ritual ceremony as bloody as the name. If she succeeds, she’ll earn the title of Ohan, but first she’ll have to dodge assassins and hunt whoever placed the hit on her head and hopefully kill them before they kill her.
In the Grankull, coming of age isn’t easy. There are always greater dragons to slay.
Oh, right. I decided now always start by saying that I was blessed enough to be selected as a part of Tatiana’s incredible ARC team, I read her free copy for pure and total joy, and I’m reviewing it in exchange for it, but mostly because when I found something I like, I love talking about it… even when, well, you will see.
I need to be honest, it’s being complicated for me to find words to express how amazing this book was. I just found a new favorite author. I just found a new favorite series, and that’s usually a hard thing to achieve, or at least that’s what I think, with what the world says about second parts being bad. This second part was the best, and it’s just amazing because, thanks to, the first part.
If you like adventure, big schemes, political affairs, a new totally different setting that at the same time it’s able to be close to your heart and not at all has to be in a different world, just a different location (think about your local desert 😉), this book is for you. I wasn’t looking for any of that, and this book found me. My journey with this book was speechless. It didn’t say The End, but you feel the goodbye, and I’m still not ready to let it go, I still feel there are more things to tell, more adventures to live, more dragons to slay, and more moments to hunt. But I get it, this hunt finished, which made me able to start new ones.
Ah! I have a warning: don’t believe that all the synopsis says is everything you will get. You will find more. A lot more. And you will be amazed and you will think you will be satisfied. But you will not. Everyone grows here, it almost feels as if they were being grounded. Everyone finds or confirms their purposes. Everyone has a happy ending… well, more or less, it can be whatever you say, but to me, it is not an ending. Things are just starting.
I still love Ra-ja and Kai, even more if it’s possible. Zephyr is like a brother to me now, I like him, I can bear him, but he’s not my favorite. Ysai is, and you’re going to find out I like him a lot more after I found out he can also be violent 😏 I still don’t stand Suri, but I like Nico more. And, surprisingly, I get to like Kelin more than Azan! I adore each of their scenes with their respective friends, but still, Kelin rises to my heart. Neema didn’t give me a reason to like her, so she still doesn’t. And we somehow get new characters! Rae is totally adorable, I really love them. And Jilah! I’m grateful for her existence and her constant presence. I wasn’t pleased with Kibari, but I’m also not happy with her path. I still want to know more about Shamai-ta, and surprisingly, I don’t want to know Kai’s and Nico’s and Rae’s late tah anymore, I want to get to know more about their alive tah better. And these are only the characters. I have trillion new questions about the whole world now that everything’s “finished” and I can’t wait to know what Tatiana will give us next. Whatever it is, I know I will like it.
Phrases that I liked so much that I marked them while reading
«to Tatiana, a younger me,
when the world weighs you down,
drag on»
— Dedication.«Only Rasia determines how her bones fall.»
— Chapter One.«“There’s no one right way to do a thing. You’re never going to succeed doing everything ‘Nico’s way’. You’ve got to figure the right way for you.»
— Chapter One.«He liked to do that often. Use her own words against her. Probably because the only person with any common sense was herself.
— Chapter One.«It sucks when the biggest obstacle in a hunt is your own injuries.»
— Chapter One.«“You shine bright enough on your own.”»
— Chapter One.«“What if I fail?” Rasia asked. “I’m not perfect.”
“All I ask is that you try,” Kai said.»
— Chapter One.«She didn’t make promises lightly. You make a promise, you keep it.»
— Chapter One.«“Has Rasia told you the plan?”
“I think she’s waiting until we get there to figure it all out.”
“If we die, you owe me.”
Kai nodded. “That’s fair.”»
— Chapter One.«They say forging flames never last, but forging friendships are forever.»
— Chapter Two.«But distance was always funny in the Desert, and what seemed close might be days away.»
— Chapter Three.«Rasia’s sheer prowess demanded everyone to match her greatness.»
— Chapter Three.«“This is the moment it all becomes true. This is the moment that frees me. And I feel nothing at all.”»
— Chapter Three.«“Maybe we leave, and they live, and they survive — then that’s a problem for someone else on a different day, but it’s still a problem. Sometimes, this is what is looks like to save the world. It’s not always pretty.”»
— Chapter Three.«Rasia herself hadn’t known the exact plan, until she did.»
— Chapter Five.«It felt like no time at all had passed when Rasia came racing back, chest heaving, several drums later.
“It’s happening now.”
“Maybe say something encouraging.”
“Seriously? We don’t have time for this.”
He nudged her again.
Rasia clapped her hands together.
“Don’t die.”»
— Chapter Five.«“We go in with everything we’ve got to give, because anything less won’t be enough.”»
— Chapter Five.«“I won’t let you down.”
Her Han smiled.
“You never do.”»
— Chapter Six.«To be fair, normal people use the door.»
— Chapter Six.«Nico was often the shoulder people leaned on, often the lap people cried on, and often the hug when people needed one. But sometimes, even Nico, needed someone to hug her.»
— Chapter Six.«Nico mustered the stubborn strength to keep going because she didn’t really know how to do anything else.»
— Chapter Six.«“You deserve to live every bit as amazing and as brilliant as the person you are. Don’t dim your light because you’re too bright for people to look at. Fuck that.”»
— Chapter Seven.«“You are not a burden. You are my kulani. You are my ride-or-die. Anyone who fucks with you, fucks with me.”»
— Chapter Seven.«But of course, it could never be that easy.»
— Chapter Eight.«“So… you think can kill me?”
Kelin laughed. “I said maybe.”»
— Chapter Eight.«“I’m scared,” Nico confessed out loud for the first time.
“Good to know you’re human. You are the crazy person that regularly steps in front of dragonfire.”»
— Chapter Eight.«All at once they turned to Kai for clarity. Transport one warship across the Desert and now, suddenly, he was an expert on magic.»
— Chapter Nine.«“Play me a song.”
“I can’t actually play, Rasia.”
“What does that matter? I’ll dance to any sound you make.”
How does one possibly refuse that?»
— Chapter Nine.«“Sometimes, there’s no time to wait on people. Sometimes, you’ve got to teach yourself how to play.”»
— Chapter Nine.«“I don’t want people to know about my magic. It doesn’t belong to them. They don’t get that part of me. It’s mine to choose who I give it to, and I choose to give it to you.”»
— Chapter Nine.«Sometimes, you can’t wait to be chosen.
You choose yourself.»
— Chapter Twelve.«Her story was the chapters you skip over to get to the exciting parts.»
— Chapter Twelve.«Dying hurt. Living hurt worse.»
— Chapter Thirteen.«Every inch of Rasia, from head to toe, could be considered illegal.»
— Chapter Nineteen.«“And if you have any questions, please don’t make any more fucking assumptions. I am here. Ask me. There is no question in the world that I haven0t heard from Rasia already.”»
— Chapter Twenty.«Ysaijen the Unbowed was nice enough to teach you how to defend yourself, then he would kick your ass, and smile while he did it.»
— Chapter Twenty.«“I can’t take your feelings into consideration if I don’t know them,” Rasia said frustrated as she sat up.»
— Chapter Twenty-One.«“Rasia, you might throw your bones as far and as hard as anyone has ever thrown them, but in the end, you still have no control over how they land.”»
— Chapter Twenty-Four.«Life wasn’t fair. And it wasn’t fair to Kai most of all.»
— Chapter Twenty-Seven.«She’ll show them the truth. She’ll show them Kai wasn’t the monster here.
She was.»
— Chapter Twenty-Nine.«“You’re not as invincible as you think you are.”
“Nor are you.”»
— Chapter Thirty-Two.«She had never done anything this hard in her entire life.
Doing nothing sucks.»
— Chapter Thirty-Two.«No one should have to be less to be enough.»
— Chapter Thirty-Five.«“You’re faster.”»
— Chapter Thirty-Five.«“I threw him out! What more do you want, Rasia?”
“You want everyone dead! How many bodies will it take until you’re satisfied?”
“All of them.”»
— Chapter Thirty-Six.«“I can’t protect us if I don’t know who our enemies are.”
“I’ve told you. Everyone wants me dead. You can’t kill everyone.”
“I can sure as fuck try.”»
— Chapter Thirty-Six.«There was no time to be tired. She hadn’t the time.»
— Chapter Thirty-Seven.«“There will come a day when you get to choose someone else, but you’re it for me. I don’t want to lose you.”»
— Chapter Forty.«“But I have you, and that’s a lot more than I had a year ago.”»
— Chapter Forty.«and there’s nothing to do but to do.»
— Chapter Forty-Two.«“Expecting trouble?”
“Depends on you.”»
— Chapter Forty-Two.«He was scared.
And there was no blood price or dragon in the world that could mend that.»
— Chapter Forty-Two.«The shroud, to Rasia, had always been a cage. She understood now that for Kai, it was a shield.»
— Chapter Forty-Two.«“She tells me she’s staying here now, but if you ever get tired of her, feel free to throw her my direction.”
“I most certainly will.”»
— Chapter Forty-Four.«“The world changes one person at a time.”»
— Chapter Forty-Four.«and how they were willing to follow her to the end of the world if she asked. Now, she was asking.»
— Chapter Forty-Four.«Wouldn’t any of you do whatever it took to protect your family? Especially as triarch? I will destroy anyone who harms Rae, or Kai. Tell your neighbors. Tell your friends. I am not weak like my tah. You come after my children; I won’t come after yours.” Nico turned to Kibari. “I’ll come after you.”»
— Chapter Forty-Five.«She clung to the clay edges and vomited into its hollowed base, fulfilling the final requirements of a deathpour, the last part that symbolized letting go. She released the grief, the anger, and the sorrow — puking it out of her with the rest of her insides.
She rested on her cheek and stared at the banded designs at the neck of the pot, images of dragons and jasmines, then she vomited again. Might have been a little bit of anger still left.»
— Chapter Forty-Six.«The only way to beat a storm was to sail through it.»
— Chapter Fifty-Two.«She thought of something Zephyr had said once — how in his language they had a word for love. In the Grankull, it was an action. It was something you did. That was why Nico felt hurt every time tah broke his promises, and why she struggled so much with the fact he couldn’t seem to do anymore.
But that didn’t mean he didn’t love her any less.»
— Chapter Fifty-Two.«The day had started off so perfectly, but all things fall apart.»
— Chapter Fifty-Six.«Life was so damn heavy sometimes.»
— Chapter Fifty-Seven.«It was everything she thought she wanted.
— Chapter Fifty-Eight.«Rasia didn’t give a shit about these bones. She owed these bones nothing but her hatred and resentment. They didn’t deserve the best of her. They didn’t deserve her struggle or her strive. She was done squeezing herself into too small spaces. She was done hitting dead ends. Rasia had never been one to run the Grankull’s circles, and she wouldn’t keep running them now. Because at the end of the day, the only person who mattered, the only person she needed to make proud — was herself.»
— Chapter Fifty-Eight.«“The only thing that can make Rasia happy is Rasia. It can’t be on you, or you’ll be dragged right along with her. She is the type of person who always demands everything and never settle for halves. Even then, your everything is never enough, and you’re left hollowed out in the end. I learned that the hard way.”»
— Chapter Fifty-Nine.«“A kulani is a partnership. It isn’t sacrificing everything until there’s nothing of you left. That’s just selfishness, and quite frankly, you’ve got it hard enough as it is. I don’t care if she’s unhappy. I don’t care if the hunting kulls isn’t what she wanted to do. She signed your name. From that moment on, your happiness was the only thing that mattered.”»
— Chapter Fifty-Nine.«Someone had to stay behind to watch the kid. He hated the fact that everyone assumed it would be him.»
— Chapter Fifty-Nine.«It was funny how people thought Rasia had the worst temper of the family.»
— Chapter Sixty.«“You shouldn’t have to do something you don’t want to do.”»
— Chapter Sixty.«“Ysai is right,” she mumbled. “You’ve sacrificed too damn much. It’s my turn.”»
— Chapter Sixty-One.«“I want nothing more than for you to be happy.”»
— Chapter Sixty-One.«“But this is the hardest thing I have ever done. I could have run away, but I stayed. I stayed.”
“It’s okay. I’m used to being left behind.”
“Fuck you. I am going to drop this off with the administration building before it closes. I am joining the hunting kulls, and doing the stupid drills, and taking whatever orders because we are a kull, and a kull leaves no one behind.»
— Chapter Sixty-One.«If Rasia refused to fight any longer, then Kai would do so for her.»
— Chapter Sixty-Two.«“If there is not a job here to fit her, then it should build her one that does.”»
— Chapter Sixty-Two.«He knew the chances were slim, but he would never forgive himself if he didn’t try.»
— Chapter Sixty-Two.«“I question Rasia’s dumb choices sometimes, but I don’t question that she’d protect you with every fiber of her being.”»
— Chapter Sixty-Two.«“Sometimes people choose the wrong side, but it’s never too late to choose the right one.”»
— Chapter Sixty-Five.«“My kulani is coming to me.”»
— Chapter Sixty-Six.«She might be mad at him, still, and bitter about the whole situation, still, but she wouldn’t hesitate if her kulani needed her.»
— Chapter Sixty-Seven.«Rasia surged to her feet, unsheathed her swords, and demanded, “Who do I need to kill?”»
— Chapter Sixty-Seven.«He promised. He had promised. He was never supposed to leave her. She was never supposed to be alone anymore. Why do they all leave her, in the end?»
— Chapter Sixty-Eight.«“No matter what you do, sometimes it will never be enough.”»
— Chapter Sixty-Nine.«They took their own paths and caught each other in the end.»
— Chapter Seventy-Four.«and only time would tell if it would break him or make him stronger.»
— Chapter Seventy-Five.«Sweet, little, caterpillar
I’ll guard your sleep
Till you become the butterfly
You were always born to be»
— Chapter Seventy-Five.«“You should tell him how you feel.”
Kelin scoffed. “I don’t want to ruin his fun.”
“Some friendly advice — you’re a kuller now, whether you want to be one or not. If you ever intend to court someone, the number of your names matter. Your job matters. Perhaps not to Azan, but definitely to his tahs. There’s nothing wrong with planning ahead.”
“This place hurts my head.”»
— Chapter Seventy-Six.